Thursday, 21 October 2010

Heathen Pagan or Asatru?

What should we call ourselves? Everyone should have an identity, only we seemed to be lessed with the wrong names!
At first I told poeple that I was a Heathen, and said it with pride, for that is what I believed I was! Then the bombshell hit that Heathen was a derogitory name given to us by the Christians, as someone who was uncilvlised and living on the heath! I live in the town, and feel that I am very civilised thank you, therefore Heathen went out of the window!
So, I thought to myself, If I can not be a Heathen, I had better call myself a Pagan! Like so many others, I proudly told the world who and what I was, but what is a Pagan? According to the dictionary:
Paganism (from Latin paganus, meaning "country dweller", "rustic"[1]) is a blanket term, typically used to refer to polytheistic religious traditions, although from a Christian perspective, the term can encompass all non–Abrahamic religions.
Well blow me! It meant exactly the same thing!!!!
So should anybody ask me what I beleive I now say that I am Asatru, a name not made up by a Christian, and that describes exactly where I come from. Yes, some people may ask what that is, but that gives the chance to educate them to the glory of the Aesir!
I urge others to do the same and dump the preconcieved Christian slurs that have hung upon us for almost 2000 years!

Friday, 17 September 2010

Twenty Five Years Too Late!

At long last the Trade Union movement has awoken! The threats of the Con-Dem Government have forced them to realise only constructive, well co-ordinated action, in the name of the people will suffice!

The only shame is that if they had shown such resolution in the 80's, the Labour party would have had no choice but to jump on the socialist bandwagon and the Thatcher years would have been shortened considerably, and today's talk of action would not have been required!

May Thor protect them against these political frost giants!

Wednesday, 4 August 2010


Freyfest has come and gone, and I have made my sacrifices and gave my thanks. Others think I am mad, but I know the Gods will smile on me for standing up for them (not that they need me to, but they will appreciate the effort alll the same).

Hail the Aesir!

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Pagan Acceptance by UK Ministry of Defence

It is with a very glad heart that I can report that the UK press have revealed that there are OFFICIALLY 100 known Pagans within the UK Armed Forces.

Now 100 seems a small figure compared to the 100,000 that make up the armed forces, but 10 years agao the report would have been laughed at!

The MOD have accepted our religion as a legitimate group, so where next? The Police????

Friday, 21 May 2010

Civic Duties called!

It has been a while since I have had the chance to write anything, this was due to the fact that I was serving on a jury.

Naturally, I will not be divulging any details of the case, but I am proud to say that I made my oath, and kept it, judging on the facts presented.

Being summoned to Jury service gives you many thoughts, including where the concept came from, ie. our pagan ancestors. It is refreshing to know that something that was directed by the Gods all those centuries ago is still alive today, and is taken just as seriously!

On a lighter note, I am now a year older, though maybe not wiser! I hope the Gds and Norns will allow me many more years, and allow me to bring prosperity to the clan.

Hail Odin! Hail Thor! Hail The Aesir and Vanir!

Thursday, 1 April 2010

Eastre Celebrations

Once again we can celebrate and praise Eastre for bringing colour and fertility back intoour grey, winter lives! Unfortunately, once again the press will be shoving Jesus down our throats, trying to tell us that the egg represents a rock and being totally flumaxed when asked what Jesus had to do with a rabbit!

I recommend watching the 'Life of Brian' this weekend as part of your celebrations - it is probably closer to the truth!!!!

On a personal note I have, in good Asatru style, been tracing my family tree, for how can you call on your ancestors for advice if you don't know who they are! Much to my surprise (and delight if the truth be known) I ended up, via Scotland, Normandy, the Orkneys and Norway, in Russia. It appears that I am descended from Argolia Vladimirovna, who was the daughter of Vladimir the Great of Novogorod. His grandfather, Rurik of the Rus, was a true Viking Pagan, who is creditied with founding Russia itself! Small World.....

Thursday, 21 January 2010

Stark Differences in US / UK Television

I have watched two programmes over the last couple of weeks that highlight the difference in attitude of Television series on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.

In one, Supernatural, the programme described the Vanir as evil beings that are out to destroy the world! Hardly the truth (if you don't know the Vanir then google them and be educated!)

The other, Candleford, was a BBC period drama that addressed paganism in the form of a tree being consecrated by the local peasants, and the hew and cry of a local christian. This resulted in the local postmistress pointing out that both religeons had the right to exist, and to be worshiped equally according to the will of the individual!

So much for the Land of the Free!