Thursday 1 April 2010

Eastre Celebrations

Once again we can celebrate and praise Eastre for bringing colour and fertility back intoour grey, winter lives! Unfortunately, once again the press will be shoving Jesus down our throats, trying to tell us that the egg represents a rock and being totally flumaxed when asked what Jesus had to do with a rabbit!

I recommend watching the 'Life of Brian' this weekend as part of your celebrations - it is probably closer to the truth!!!!

On a personal note I have, in good Asatru style, been tracing my family tree, for how can you call on your ancestors for advice if you don't know who they are! Much to my surprise (and delight if the truth be known) I ended up, via Scotland, Normandy, the Orkneys and Norway, in Russia. It appears that I am descended from Argolia Vladimirovna, who was the daughter of Vladimir the Great of Novogorod. His grandfather, Rurik of the Rus, was a true Viking Pagan, who is creditied with founding Russia itself! Small World.....