Friday 21 May 2010

Civic Duties called!

It has been a while since I have had the chance to write anything, this was due to the fact that I was serving on a jury.

Naturally, I will not be divulging any details of the case, but I am proud to say that I made my oath, and kept it, judging on the facts presented.

Being summoned to Jury service gives you many thoughts, including where the concept came from, ie. our pagan ancestors. It is refreshing to know that something that was directed by the Gods all those centuries ago is still alive today, and is taken just as seriously!

On a lighter note, I am now a year older, though maybe not wiser! I hope the Gds and Norns will allow me many more years, and allow me to bring prosperity to the clan.

Hail Odin! Hail Thor! Hail The Aesir and Vanir!